Friday, October 15, 2021

Experienced psychotherapist counsellor and supervisor


Margaret Parkes has many years' experience and offers many services which include working with the following:  building self-esteem and finding the lost self, narcissistic abuse, and victims of coercive control, supporting those who wish to get out of relationship addiction patterns, she works with young and old who have suffered from bullying.   Margaret pays particular attention not only to emotional issues but also to neurodiverse issues such as ADHD OR ASPERGERS and the part that this may have played in the life of the client.  Margaret is psychoeducational in approach when required which make progress speedy in most situations.


Coercive control is emotional abuse and sometimes physical abuse.  With emotional abuse the victim's bruises are hidden whereas with physical abuse the bruises are visible.  Both types of abuse are serious because they create an unequal controlling power dynamic in the relationship.  This gives the perpetrator control, causes fear and isolation in their partner making it difficult for their victim to leave.  If you are victim of this abuse and you want change, please contact COERCIVE CONTROL COUNSELLING IRELAND where you will be assisted by Margaret Parkes to become self-empowered and will regain your lost self and your freedom to live a life beyond your dreams.


The malignant narcissist is manipulative and controlling.  Power is important to them.   They can abuse financially, sexually, emotionally or physically.  Narcissistic abuse is becoming more known about yet it appears to be growing - in relationships, organisations and socially.  It can present as mild put downs and exclusion to serious ongoing criticism, threats, outbursts, game playing, lying, silent treatment, unfair control over the finances (to the point a partner might have to beg for money to pay bills) or severe life-threatening violence.  The narcissist will deny or lie or blame you about what they have done or said.  Often their aim is to diminish you until you lose your confidence and you become dependent on them.  This lying and blaming is gaslighting and its very confusing for the victim and destabilising to the point they start to doubt themselves. Sadly, often the victim does not know that they are living with a narcissist until they themselves become very unwell.  Help is at hand for victims of this abuse. Margaret at NARCISSISTIC ABUSE COUNSELLNG IRELAND and NARCISSISTIC ABUSE EUROPE will journey with you to help you to take your power back over your life and to build your self-esteem so that you may change your life.



Relationship Addiction often keeps us attached/enmeshed in toxic (narcissistic, coercive) relationships.  We can become dependent on a person or people for our self-validation which takes away our freedom just as being addicted to a substance would, and we are at risk at staying in these unhealthy relationships.  This loss of choice can become a pattern throughout our lives.  Relationship addiction can also take the form of jumping from relationship to relationship because we are looking for external validation or we are seeking and dependent on the high of happy hormones causing us never to be able to settle.  Working with Margaret will help you to work on your recovery from this debilitating addiction and to become free to enjoy your life perhaps for the first time ever.

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