Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Most Important MBA Interview Questions

Different colleges have different ways of selecting the candidates by asking different questions in the interview. I am trying to jot down some of the most important frequent questions asked by the MBA colleges’ panels. By-the-way, post interview handshake let the interviewers know your confidence level.

Find some of the most important and frequently asked questions in the interview for admission in MBA colleges, below:
  1. Why are you interested in this college MBA programme?
One of the most popular & important questions asked by the interviewer and answer might seem obvious. They are looking practical answer from you, i.e. why have you chosen their college, and how their curriculum help you to achieve your goals. How the location, school culture, reputation of faculty, the industry connection and job placement with your future goals help you to choose the college.
  1. Why are you pursuing MBA now?
The interviewer want to know why you want to pursue MBA ‘now’. What is it in life which is leading you to make a decision of pursuing the programme now? If you are in the job currently, you have to elucidate what is inspiring you to alter direction. Tell them, what is your long-term goal in which MBA will help you? Tell about your specific career goals, dreams & passions and action plan. Tell your story in sequential order.
  1. Tell me about yourself.
It is a very straight forward question. Isn’t it? But not as easy to answer. You have to be smart to answer this. You have to tell the best possible version of you to the interviewer. Start from concise description of yourself from your resume executive summary but in a verbal form. Tell about your achievement in your career and history. Think about SWOT analysis and tell about your strengths, opportunities or personal /professional passions and how your personality will help you gaining your career goals. 
  1. Tell me about a time you demonstrated leadership. What did you learn from it?
Leadership is one of the most important or can say top-ranked competencies, after teamwork, is considered while evaluating a candidate in behavioral interviews. Here, you have to share your experience where you led a team to overcome an obstacle. You can use college or personal life experience if you haven’t got the opportunity in your professional life. If you organize any events or volunteered any event which is leadership-centered project? Leadership also shows the qualities such as ability to listen, response, motivate, and inspire. So, narrate a story where you have taken up a leadership role and help a group to achieve their goals. Use the “STAR” approach while answering this question:
  • S/T - Enlighten the SITUATION or TASK
  • A - Describe the APPROACH you took
  • R – Narrate the interviewer how your approach led to positive RESULT
  1. What are your short-term and long-term career goals?
Evaluators ask you this question as they want to know how MBA degree will help you to achieve your future goals – short-term or long-term. You have to include here in detail about your career goals, reasons for the goals and action plan. Your answer should include how your short term goals will help you in achieving your long term goals. Be sure to refer skills and positions that will utilise MBA programme.
Do remember the above questions while giving an interview in the best MBA college in Ghaziabad Sanskar Educational Group. Sanskar Educational Group is also one of the best B.Arch College in Ghaziabad. To know more about both the courses, call 7251000120 – 7251000121 or email them at today!

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