The modern surveillance state
headed by the mission of the NSA poses a real threat to politically engaged
people and a free society as a whole. NGOs like Amnesty International are being
spied at. After Septembet 11th Greenpeace had been put on a 'terror list'.
Besides this intelligence services have commited terrorist attacks with bombs
causing damage to property and peoples wounded; all of it just to lay the blame
on eco-terrorists and left wingers. It is nothing more than a deceitful
illusion that secret services would always act non-partisan and in the interest
of the nation. Instead they are pushing forward a system called corporocray -
an entanglement of big corporations, banks and the public sector. Big
transnational companies are responsible for many human rights violations mainly
in developing countries and should not be trusted in. The spying scandal disclosed by
Edward Snowden around the global data surveillance programmes PRISM by the US
and Tempora by the British intelligence service shows that comprehensive spying
is not only used against foreign states and associations but especially and
also against individuals. The USA are keeping an intransparent terror list.
Even children have been taken into the list. Persons on the list can any time
be executed or arrested.